Are you Lenting?

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As the subtitle says, my book ‘Sinning on Sundays’ helps provide tools for a ‘little less religious Lent for leaders.’  ‘Forty days of prayer, fasting and giving in anticipation of Resurrection Sunday!’ In the midst of our fast-paced world, high-impact leaders are turning to the timeless traditions of Lent for inspiration, renewal, and purpose. Miranda Tollenaar writes […]

Three lessons about self-publishing

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Curious to hear what it’s like to self-publish a book? Below are a few reflections after my first hand experience… Let me know what you think in the comments! Patience and Persistence Pay Off Self-publishing taught me that success is a journey, not an overnight destination. Patience and persistence are key. Embrace the process, learn […]

Rare Leadership – Part 3 of 3


“Let’s just be friends!” No, it’s not our anniversary, and no, those aren’t words I was told by anyone personally – at least not recently. Why the wedding cake? Keep reading… Hallmark Christmas movie season is upon us, and soon enough someone will have to utter those words in a painfully anticlimactic scene by a […]

Get Muddy

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Food, games, dirty feet and clean slates.  This weekend we took our whole team on a retreat in the mountains.  It was cold. We got muddy. We laughed. We cried. Things got real.  We shared stories about the past 5 years and how it has led us to the place we have arrived today. And […]

Who gets the credit?

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Our living room is filled with moving boxes and there’s no book left on our bookshelf. Everything is in boxes, waiting to be moved to the new home. I finally packed my first box yesterday, and then spent more time telling everyone about my moment of pride than the time I spent packing it.  Until […]

Mandela called her ‘Lizzie’

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The news must have come your way in many shapes and forms and there is lots to read about the passing and the life of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. A tragic moment for a nation and mostly her close relatives. A great article about her life as a Queen was done by The Economist […]